Vision und mission
Our vision – our drive
Our self-imposed guiding principles are designed to maintain our innovative spirit and reinforce the values of our company.
Our vision is:
- We are and remain a German, medium-sized, family-owned company!
- We are an innovation and market leader!
- With all our products we represent the reference class in our markets!
- Our customers love us and our products!
- We maintain an international network of cooperations!

Our mission is…
…to help people all over the world to fulfill their handling and transport tasks with pleasure in an effective, safe, and healthy way.
Company principles
Joachim Loh group
The strategic and operational orientation of the corporate group shall be based on the following principles. The owners and top management commit themselves to this. The principles apply as a guideline.
More power of innovation, development competence and error culture
Innovations and success
For us, the term innovation is synonymous with new technical developments, pioneering product improvements, efficient process solutions and new services that have one thing in common: they are unique in our markets! They clearly stand out from the offerings of our market competitors and defy imitation. They give us and our customers a long-term competitive edge and make a significant contribution to our economic success.
Creativity and organization
Being innovative and creative is the essence of our company. We are constantly on the move to respond to market changes and the changing needs of our customers. This pursuit of innovation makes EXPRESSO a constantly changing, living organization. At the same time, the positive feedback from customers on our innovations and the resulting market successes create an optimistic, future-oriented working atmosphere. We are therefore also becoming more attractive to employees and applicants.
Curiosity and performance
Constant curiosity and the knowledge of our own capabilities are the cornerstones of our innovative strength. They are fed by the acceptance of corporate leadership and management to recognize comprehensible misjudgments and well thought-out errors as a creative contribution to all innovation processes. They are an expression of creative drive and the willingness to understand the unknown or complex and to get to the bottom of things so that something new can emerge.
Error and knowledge
For the realization of innovations we see a prerequisite in the quick admission of comprehensible mistakes and well thought-out errors. We therefore value the quick recognition of failure as a value for the subsequent market success of new products, for the further development of employees and for the growth of the entire company. We regularly celebrate our “best” mistakes and errors – and especially the lessons learned from them! At the same time, we are consistent in dealing with negligence, ignorance, and incompetence.
Synergy and tolerance
The information-technological networking of the globalized world offers us the opportunity to develop our ideas for new products and services simultaneously in different places and to make them available quickly. We work closely together across all geographical and political boundaries. In this way, we make an active contribution to greater interpersonal tolerance and to the unreserved recognition of the diversity of all people involved. We also use the ideas and opportunities within JLU to make our company and its sister companies more successful.
Excellence and competition
Market competition is a constant motivating factor for us in our pursuit of excellence and innovation. For this reason, we treat our competitors fairly and with respect. We are always open to discussion and collaboration as long as it benefits our customers and the companies involved and does not violate existing law or our values.
Evaluation and recognition
We use the existing and proven to build on and gain new insights. In this sense, we also learn from our competitors’ products. It is part of our routine to source competitor products, evaluate them without bias, and use the results of our analyses as a starting point for developing new solutions. In doing so, we honor and recognize the achievements of others without, however, neglecting our own ideas.
Speed and flexibility
Our development process Phoenix is clearly structured, transparent in communication and plausible. It is based on jointly agreed decisions and thrives on our ability to work on both short-term and long-term projects in parallel. A particular strength here is our new development mode SPAZ – German for Fastest Product Development Ever, in which a new development is turned into a production-ready product within just a few months using all resources. We gain a high degree of flexibility by consciously allowing priorities to shift and plans to change as conditions change.
Methods and ideas
Practical proof of our innovative capability is our voluntary commitment to launch a new product on the market at least every quarter. The prerequisite for this is the consistent application of project management methods, creativity techniques and design thinking. We pay particular attention to numerous, short iteration cycles during the idea generation and concept phases – including the provision of samples and prototypes that enable rapid comprehension and efficient learning processes.
Stages and goals
We celebrate our innovations at specific stages of creation, when they reach production readiness, and when they are launched. In this way, we show our gratitude for our creativity, which repeatedly turns initially vague ideas into new products and solutions that benefit our customers. At the same time, we are honoring the achievements of all the people involved in this innovation process.
We are here for you
Feel free to contact us by phone or e-mail. Our team is ready to help you with words and deeds.
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