Aiming high with compressed air
At Hailo Wind Systems in Haiger, the EXPRESSO BalanceLift guarantees production reliability during the assembly of arrester systems.
“Only the rail turns the ladder into an arrester system,” says Florian Brei, explaining the ladder set for climbing wind turbines. At the Hailo Wind Systems plant, Brei and his colleague Ivan Antic attach the arrester rail to finished aluminum ladders. This is indispensable in terms of safety: the service technicians use the rail to secure themselves when climbing towers at dizzying heights.
Hailo Wind Systems is one of the global market and technology leaders for professional access and climbing technology solutions in the wind power industry. At the Kalteiche site in Haiger, Hesse, many thousands of kilometers of ladders and a four-digit number of service lifts are manufactured each year. In order to be able to experience the products “live”, employees are regularly allowed to climb the 18-meter-high training tower at the company’s own training center. Brei has also already tried out the climbing protection system there himself. “The height makes many hesitate at first, but I didn’t mind,” he says.
The trained bricklayer has been working in manufacturing at Hailo Wind Systems since January 2014. He has since become a foreman and is involved in projects to improve work processes: He has been involved in the introduction of the EXPRESSO BalanceLift system, which has been facilitating work in rail assembly since the fall of 2021, from the very beginning. Brei and his colleagues tested the balancer, which is powered by compressed air, extensively in practice until everything fit after several adjustments. “As users, we were able to have a direct influence on the product design,” explains the installer enthusiastically.
The result: a mechanical gripper with an up/down control button as a load handling device for effortless handling of the arrester systems. The rope balancer and gripping tool are suspended from the BalanceRail surface crane system, which in turn is mounted on the hall ceiling. The floor space below can be used without restriction.
After Brei and Antic have completed the rail installation, the arrester system, which is up to 5.88 meters long, has to be transferred from the workbench to a stack. To ensure that this can be done efficiently, the balancer helps from this point on. With the gripper, Brei can grasp the ladder and maneuver it precisely through the space thanks to Vario control – in completely natural motion sequences and without power. While he safely places the 23-kilo load on the stack, his colleague Antic has already prepared the next work step.
The BalanceLift project is a true testament to its time, as the need for a handling aid became apparent during the first Corona waves in 2020. “We had a very high sickness rate at that time, so at times entire shifts had to be cancelled,” recalls Brei. The reason for the loss of production: a single person could not handle the rail assembly by then.
Since the introduction of the balancer, all the work steps can be carried out by one person without suffering back and joints. “But that is the exception,” says Florian Brei. “Normally, rail assembly continues to be manned by two people.” The EXPRESSO BalanceLift system now guarantees production and planning reliability in rail assembly and increases the efficiency of operations.
Hailo Wind Systems is one of the global market and technology leaders for professional access and climbing technology solutions in the wind power industry. Many thousands of kilometers of ladders and a four-digit number of service lifts are manufactured each year at the Kalteiche site in Haiger, Hesse.
The longest ladder element measures 5.88 meters. Depending on the total length required by the customer, the arrester system is assembled from several ladder elements and delivered as a set.
In rail assembly: Florian Brei (left) and Ivan Antic fasten the arrester rail centrally along the ladder rungs with a bracket.
Florian Brei, fitter and foreman at Hailo Wind Systems, easily grips the arrester system with the mechanical gripper and then maneuvers it precisely through the room thanks to Vario control.
Easy-to-use Vario control for raising and lowering the arrester systems. With the up/down button, the ladders are handled easily, quickly, and ergonomically.
Fitter Ivan Antic appreciates the effortless work with the BalanceLift system, as it takes an enormous physical load off his colleagues and him.
The rope balancer and gripping tool are suspended from the BalanceRail surface crane system, which in turn is mounted on the hall ceiling. The floor space below can be used without restriction.
Patented: the double-beaded tie bar rung connection for particularly high loads.
Additional safety check: a black felt-tip pen is used to mark the mounting bracket, nut, and bolt. If the three elements are no longer in line, the fastening of the arrester rail has loosened so it must be retightened.
The professional service lifts from Hailo Wind Systems may only be used by trained personnel. Like the fixed ladders, they are subjected to regular ZÜS inspections after installation in the wind turbine.
In the uninsulated hall: transport of a cable winch (weight approx. 44 kilos) with the help of a lift2move 125. The winches are installed in the service lifts of Hailo Wind Systems. Since 2016, mobile loading lifts from EXPRESSO have been used in production to transport and handle continuous cable winches.